Thursday 30 September 2010

Continuous Training..

Continuous Training

Continuous Training is a type of sport training that involves continuous activity without interval. It means training for atleast 15 minutes without have a rest. This method of training is more commonly used for CV Endurance and Muscular Endurance. When we do this particular training we are mostly training in the higher end of the aerobic training zone.
These are the continuous training sessions we have done.

20 Minute Run

As a way of training our CV Endurance we did a 20 minute run. The run we did was at a steady paced speed but we had to make sure that we were working towards the higher end of the aerobic training zone. We could run along any course that we wanted, within a given area, aslong as we didn't stop or walk at all in the 20 minutes.

The advantages of the 20 minute run;- 1. You don't need a coach or someone with you.
          2. You don't need any specialist equipment.
        3. It is very good for improving your CV Endurance.

The disadvantages of the 20 minute run;- 1. It is tedious. Therefor you will quickly get bored of doing it.
                          2. It improves very few of the components of fitness.

After doing this test I feel that it is only a good training session if  CV Endurance is the only component of fitness you want to focus on. I found it quite boring and wouldn't want to do too often.

This is a graph to show how your heart rate will respond to this type of exercise. For this type of run, you are working in the higher end of the 'aerobic training zone' which means you are working with oxygen. People that benefit most and will do this type of exercise most are people who are long distance runners/swimmers/cyclists.

Cross Training

As another way of training our CV Endurance and Continuous Training ability, we did a cross training exercise. We used this method of training because it is completely different to all the other methods we have used and then we can compare it with them.

The advantages of cross training are;-  1. It uses lots of the different components of fitness (Strength CV Endurance, Muscular Endurance ect.)
                                2. It is a very effective way of training.
                                       3. You do not lose concentration and gain focus through the session.
                               4. You gain a sense of acheivement after the session.

The disadvantages of cross training are;- 1. You need a coach to teach you certain work-outs and there to supervise.
                                 2. You need special equipment.

For our cross fit session we created a circuit of;- 5 x Burpies, 10 x Kettle Bell Swings, 15 x Skipping-Rope Skips, 4 x 15m Shuttle Runs. Doing all of that once would complete one circuit. We had to complete as many circuits as we could in 15 minutes.

I found this a very effective way of training as I was very fatigued by the end of the session but was very determined throughout and had a great sense of achievement by the end.

This is graph to show how our heart ratel responded to this type of training session. For this session we were still working in the higher end of the aerobic training zone but in a less steady fashion. The people who benefit most from this type of training are all games players.

Phrase Of The Week..


Monday 27 September 2010

Unit 1: Fitness Testing and Training - Components Of Fitness

These are the 10 Components Of Fitness.

Health Related

Cardio-Vascular Endurance/Cardio-Respiratory Endurance - The ability of the body systems to gather, process, and transport oxygen.

Muscular Endurance/Stamina - The ability of the muscles to keep working to a high standard for a long period of time.

Strength - The ability of a muscular unit, or group of muscles to apply force.

Flexibility - The ability of maximizing range of motion at a given joint.

Power - The ability of a muscular unit, or combo of muscular units to apply maximum force in minimum time

Skill Related

Speed - The ability to minimize the time cycle of a repeated movement.

Co-Ordination - The ability to combine several distinct movement patterns into a singular distinct movement.

Reaction Time/Accuracy - The ability of the brain to send signals to the body and it's ability to use them to move quickly on a command.

Agility - The ability to minimize transition time between one movement pattern and another.

Balance - The ability to control the placement of the bodies' centre of gravity in relation to its' support base.

I got this information from http://crossfitgeneration.typepad.com/cfgen/10-components-of-complete.html and my class notes.

This is a video of the Multi-Stage Fitness Test. A test of CV Endurance and also a persons mental determination. This test is a "maximal and progressive" test, which means that you will have to work until you can not physically go any further but the test will keep getting harder.